Even after the government declaring that Child Labour below the 14 age group is punishable by the law, it still continues in every corner of the country. Tomorrow the 9th of October is declared a Orissa Bandh to make the people aware of Child Labour. The bandh unlike its contemporaries when in the past had closed down shutters of all the shops and public/private buildings would be a peaceful one. There won't be any closure of any buildings or shops rather the people have been asked to make others aware of child labour. The bandh has been declared by the NGOs working for the upliftment of the children.
When children are seen as the future citizens of Modern India, why are they still put to work? I would say, the government has'nt done much for the upliftment of the poor people. Being poor they resort to begging and other cheap labour. Since the money not being enough to run the house the children are next seen to be the extra bread earners of the house. Its the governments apathy towards the poor people even when they provide free education to the small kids. If the government is to do anything.. it has to enforce laws that are strictly followed. It should also ensure that the down-trodden people get employment and healthcare facilities.
When children are seen as the future citizens of Modern India, why are they still put to work? I would say, the government has'nt done much for the upliftment of the poor people. Being poor they resort to begging and other cheap labour. Since the money not being enough to run the house the children are next seen to be the extra bread earners of the house. Its the governments apathy towards the poor people even when they provide free education to the small kids. If the government is to do anything.. it has to enforce laws that are strictly followed. It should also ensure that the down-trodden people get employment and healthcare facilities.
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